Background:- Many factors affecting productivity work nurse executor in hospital, one factor is characteristics of the organization. The characteristics of organization have some sub variables, one sub variable on characteristics organization that is reward system in the hospital. Hospital should have a good reward system for increasing the productivity work by nurse executor in the room. The reward system provided to nurse at hospital will give a great influence to productivity work nurse executor who will give an effect for the quality of service in the hospital and satisfaction existing of the patients. Materials and method:- The aim of this research to analyze the relationship between reward system with productivity work nurse executor at RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang in 2018. Design of this research is descriptive analytic with approach cross sectional study. Sample of this research are 168 nurses executor with propotionalrandom sampling . Results of the Research:- Results of this research is productivity work nurse implementing good by 71% and the system reward is 77.4% with Chi-square test was obtained results of p value = 0.000 (p <0.05) it means there is a significant relationship between reward system with productivity work nurse executor . Conclusion:- Hospital service Institution should maintain and increase reward system at the hospital, so that the hospital service providers can provide good quality service.
Keywords : Reward Systems, Productivity Work, Nurse.