Happiness is one of the main goals to be
achieved by society as an individual. The Happiness Index
is an investigation into the relationships between
happiness, development, public welfare, and public policy.
Malang City currently has a population that continues to
increase every year. The need for space, infrastructure,
and housing is one of the issues found in Malang City.
One of them occurred in Sukun District, where through
Malang Mayor's Decree Number 86 the Year 2015, Sukun
District became the highest district which had the largest
slum area in Malang City. The allocation between
geographic sub-districts shows the pattern of
infrastructure services. This study aimed to know the
comparison of the happiness index between the subdistricts in Sukun District, which have been stipulated as
the sub-districts with a slum area, and the sub-districts in
Sukun District which are not stipulated in the Malang
Mayor's Decree Number 86 of 2015. The analytical
method that was used is descriptive quantitative. This
study shows that the index of happiness in the subdistricts of the Sukun District, which is not stipulated in
the Malang Mayor's Decree No. 86 Year 2015, had a
higher index of happiness than the sub-districts stipulated
in the decree.
Keywords : Happiness Index, Infrastructure, Settlement.