The purpose of this study is to provide
information on how deaf poomsae taekwondo athletes
at SLB-B (school with special needs) Santi Rama can
visualize the yeop chagi kick technique correctly with
some practices. This study used an explanatory survey
method. The research for this paper was conducted at
Santi Rama SLB-B, South Jakarta. The population in
this study was all deaf extra-curricular poomsae
athletes at SLB-B Santi Rama, that is 30-50 people /
deaf poomsae taekwondo athletes. Analysis technique
of the data used is quantitative analysis with the aim
of finding a correlation between balance and
concentration of Taekwondo yeop chagi kicks by
using descriptive analysis methods. The coefficient of
determination of balance and concentration in
momtong yeop chagi is (ry1-2) 2 = 0.081 which means
that 8.1% of yeop chagi kick in taekwondo poomsae is
connected by balance and concentration together with
the results of the balance data statistics, concentration
data and momtong yeop chagi kick data. The factor
for deaf athletes is the balance and concentration of
momtong yeop chagi kick. This problem for deaf
athletes is balance because the balance data results
are not perfect. In fact, the hearing and hearing
system are connected in the inner ear.
Keywords : Deaf, Taekwondo, Momtong Yeop Chagi.