Authors : Yulia Febrianita; Ainil Fitri; Andalia Roza; Roni Saputra
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL844
Based on the 2013 Basic Health Research
(RISKESDAS), Short Toddler is one of the health
problems of toddlers in Indonesia. The purpose of this
study was to identify the relationship between exclusive
breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting in children
under two years of age in Tapung, Kampar Regency.
The study uses observational analysis research methods
with case control. The sample in this study were
mothers with children under the age of two years in
Tapung, Kampar district. The research instrument used
was a questionnaire and a weight and height
measurement tool. Bivariate data used chi square test
with p value: 0.05. The results in this study were
toddlers who were not exclusively breastfeeding who
experienced more stunting, namely 52 respondents.
Statistical test results obtained P Value <α = 0.05 which
is 0,000. The conclusion of the study is the relationship
between exclusive breastfeeding and stunting in the
Kampung Tapung District with a P value of 0,000.
Keywords : Exclusive Breast Milk, Stunting