Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that disrupts the mind characterized by strange behavior, emotions, thought processes and perceptions that interfere with other people, so that people who are schizophrenic often get various negative thoughts and discrimination such as being abandoned to be put in by the family. One of the responsibilities that must be carried out by health workers, the family to patients with schizophrenia post restraint is to prevent recurrence to begin involvement in controlling symptoms. This becomes a burden and ability for families when treating schizophrenic patients after restraint. This study aims to see the relationship between the burdens of the family’s ability to care for postpassive patients in the Bungo District. This research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. A total of 91 families, taken using proportional rand sampling technique. Chi square test results obtained there is a relationship of burden (financial, physical, mental, social) with the family’s ability with a value of value = 0,000. The variable that is most related to family ability is physical burden with OR = 41,366. Physical burden greatly affects the ability of families to treat schizophrenic patients. Physical health problems include fatigue, headaches, physical problems resulting from recurrence of schizophrenic patients, and other physical problems caused by psychological distress and lack of attention to the family’s own health. The results of the study also have an impact on families, communities, health workers in the community and other related parties in the effort to treat schizophrenia patients post restraint.
Keywords : Typhoid fever, Salmonella, diagnosis, stool culture, nested polymerase chain reaction.