Efforts to improve maize yield are a problem
in suboptimal land due to biophysical constraints in the
form of poor water, nutrients, and organic matter. This
study aims to determine the yield response of five
varieties of maize treated with organic fertilization
packages (15 tons/ha of cattle manure), inorganic (Urea
300 kg/ha, and Phonska 200 kg/ha), and mycorrhizal
biofertilizers (1.5 tons/ha). In the suboptimal land of
North Lombok. The research was conducted in the West
Pemenang Village, Pemenang District, North Lombok
Regency. The experimental design used was a
randomized block design with three repetitions and five
treatments of maize varieties, namely V1 (P8IS variety),
V2 (P8DPP variety), V3 (Gumarang variety), V4
(Lemuru variety), and V5 (Sukmaraga variety).
Observation data were analyzed using analysis of
variance (ANOVA) and further testing with the Honestly
Significant Difference (HSD) at the 5% real level. The
results showed that the Sukmaraga (V5) variety showed
the best results in the application of organic, inorganic,
and mycorrhizal biofertilizers in the suboptimal land of
North Lombok.
Keywords : Maize, Fertilizer Package, Response, Suboptimal.