The Response of Two Maize Genotypes Inoculated with Mycorrhizae on Dry Land North Lombok, Indonesia

Authors : Wahyu Astiko, I Made Sudantha

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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This study aims to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) doses in increasing growth and yield of two varieties of maize in a dry land. This research has been carried out in Akar- Akar Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, from July to December 2018. A field experiment was designed with Randomized Complete Block Design conducted in Split Plot Design with two factors. The first factor as the main plot is the variety (V) of maize consisting of two races, namely Srikandi and "Galur C2 Unram" varieties. The second factor as a subplot is mycorrhizal dose (AMF) consisting of m0= without mycorrhizal administration, m1 = 250 kg/ha mycorrhizal, m2 = 300 kg/ha mycorrhizal, m3= 350 kg/ha mycorrhizal, m4 = 400 kg/ha mycorrhizal, m5 = 450 kg/ha mycorrhiza. Each treatment was repeated three times. Data collected were analyzed by analysis of variance of 5% and further tests with the test of Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) at the 5% level. A dose of 450 kg/ha AMF can increase the wet weights of dry maize in the dry land of North Lombok. The use of Srikandi varieties can increase the dry weights of maize in North Lombok and the percentage of colonization and the numbers of spore of Galur C2 UNRAM. The dose of 450 kg/ha AMF can increase the numbers of spore and the percentage of colonization in both Srikandi and Galur C2 Unram.

Keywords : Genotype, Maize, Mycorrhiza


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