The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility to Community on Employees Job Satisfaction and Commitment to the Organization in Construction Corporates

Authors : Younis A A Hammouda, Mohd Zukime Mat Junoh

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 12 - December

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corporate social responsibility become an essential concerns to different parties and stakeholders of business management. Organisation have to reveal their corporate social responsibility to avoid negative consequences and gain benefits such as reputation and commitment. This particular academic study are aiming to examine the role of CSR to community (which is part of the overall CSR) on the employees’ satisfaction and Commitment to the organisation in construction industry of UAE. The model have three variables, CSR to community, employees’ job satisfaction, and employees’ commitment to the organisation, and three direct relations to be assessed in this study. The study is a descriptive study based on quantitative analysis of original data, which has been collected by using a well-structured questionnaire. The study are deductive approach and following the scientific approach step for deciding about the proposed argument of the research problem. The valid sample size, after data cleaning, is 457 cases, which is satisfying the needed sample size. The usable dataset of 457 respondents found to be reliable and valid based on a variety of SmartPLS assessments. Employees evaluate their commitment to the organization and satisfaction at below average levels, which is caused partly by the CSR to community. The variance of employees’ commitment to the organisation can be explained by a rate of 52.7% as a results of two predictors CSR to environment and job satisfaction. In addition, the variance of employees’ job satisfaction is very weak with a 9.4% rate. It is clear that CSRCOM is not a good predictor of EJS even with the significance relation regression. Projected future research are to investigate other constructs of CSR and to examine more consequences such as performance and loyalty.

Keywords : Formatting; Style; Styling; Insert (Key Words).


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