The Role of Digital Technologies for Effective Self-Management in Patients with Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors : Nino Mikava; Simon Gabritchidze

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the need and describe the potential role of globally utilized digital technologies in the effective treatment of diabetes in the country of Georgia. The overall objective was to identify means to respond to challenges in developing countries with regard to a dearth of easily accessible knowledge about the disease, its complications, and the need for self-care and to overcome problems of limited geographical and financial accessibility to medical services aggravated during the Covid-19 pandemic. A combination of mixed-research methods has been applied. Initially, a narrative literature review was performed. At the second stage, qualitative study - indepth interviews with stakeholders were conducted. At the third stage, quantitative research was performed. More specifically, an online survey of adult patients - having diabetes, as well as, an online survey of parents whose children have diabetes, was conducted. Based upon the results, one of the possible solutions in addressing existing problems in Georgia and other developing countries with regard to patient education and self-management is to leverage digital technologies. The overall implication of the electronic platform is to increase awareness and education in patients and parents of children with diabetes, as well as, to improve communication between doctors and patients alike. Consequently, this can help to alleviate some of the everyday concerns of patients, and to increase their motivation, thus enabling them to carry on a higher standard and quality of life


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