The purpose of this study is to determine the
effect of empowerment, commitment, involvement on the
performance of village officials in managing Village
Funds (DD) in Wagir District, Malang Regency. The
design of this study is causality design with a quantitative
approach. The population in this study are 12 villages
consisting of elements of the Head of the Village, the
Secretary of the Village, the Treasure of the Village, the
Chair of the Village Consultative (BPD), Chair of the
Village Empowerment Institution (LPMD) in Wagir SubDistrict Malang Regency, amounting to 60 people, the
sample in this study using census with collection
techniques data in the form of questionnaires and
documentation data. The data analysis technique used in
this study is multiple linear regression analysis
techniques. The results of this study indicate that
empowerment has a dominant influence on the
performance of village officials in managing Village
Funds, commitment and involvement have a significant
effect on the performance of village officials in managing
Village Funds in Wagir District, Malang Regency
Keywords : Village Apparatus Performance, Empowerment, Commitment, Engagement