The Role of Household Mother in Economics of Fisherman of the Torosiaje Ocean Village, Pohuwato Regency

Authors : Sumrin, Mahludin H. Baruwadi, Alfi Sahri R. Baruadi

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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The research aims to identify and analyze (1) the characteristics, competence and motivation housewife fishermen against female literacy Financial aspects of the Torosiaje Ocean Village, District of Popayato Pohuwato. (2) characteristics, competence and motivation housewife fishermen to increase domestic economy Bajo fisherman in the Torosiaje ocean village of the District Popayato, Pohuwato. (3) financial literacy housewife fishermen to increase domestic economy Bajo fisherman in the Torosiaje ocean village of the Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency. This research is quantitative. Sources of data in this research are secondary data from the primary data from questionnaires to fishermen (women) in Pohuwato. The data analysis technique used is the analysis Equation Structural Modeling (SEM). These results indicate that (1) Characteristics and motivation housewife positive and significant impact on financial literacy, while competence housewife but not a significant positive effect on financial literacy. (2) characteristics, competence and motivation housewife positive effect but not a significant increase in household economy. (3) Financial literacy has a positive effect but not a significant increase in household economy Bajo fisherman. These results indicate that (1) Characteristics and motivation housewife positive and significant impact on financial literacy, while competence housewife but not a significant positive effect on financial literacy (2) characteristics, competence and motivation housewife positive effect but not a significant increase in household economy Bajo fisherman (3) Financial literacy has a positive effect but not a significant increase in the household economy. These results indicate that (1) Characteristics and motivation housewife positive and significant impact on financial literacy, while competence housewife but not a significant positive effect on financial literacy. (2) characteristics, competence and motivation housewife positive effect but not a significant increase in the household economy. (3) Financial literacy has a positive effect but not a significant increase in household economy Bajo fisherman.

Keywords : Household Economy, Role Housewife, Financial Literacy, Torosiaje Ocean Village.


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