The Role of Knowledge Management as an Important Factor in the Study of Learning and Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Authors : Ika Fitriyani; Muhammad Nur Fietroh

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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The problem of SMEs in the Covid-19 pandemic to be able to survive and achieve the expected goals is important to carry out knowledge management strategies and implement management functions that become factors to overcome the problem. Among them are technology infrastructure, human resources and culture, creativity, communication, knowledge sharing skills, time availability, support from management and management functions in developing business activities through planning, organizing, implementation and supervision. This research aims to provide more in-depth information about the role of knowledge management during the current pandemic as well as information on handling the economy in learning and handling covid 19. This type of research is qualitative descriptive by using interviews to 83 informants in Sumbawa Subdistrict as well as conducting library studies from various relevant research journals as a complement to this research information. The results showed that knowing and understanding information to the maximum by businesses to be able to survive, bounce back and improve/develop their business. Attention support from the government in providing motivation to support beneficial for the existence of business sustainability.

Keywords : Knowledge Management, Learning Studies, Handling Covid-19.


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