The Role of Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Poverty Reduction in Ntungamo Municipality: A Case Study of Kajara People’s Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd.


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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The study was to find out the role of SACCOs in poverty reduction in Ntungamo Municipality. Add this was assessed through findings out whether Access to credit, economic and social mobilizations contribute to poverty reduction in Ntungamo Municipality with reference of Kajara People’s Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCO). The researcher employed a descriptive cross sectional survey design. The study population were 200 members of Kajara People’s SACCOs in Ntungamo municipality from where the sample of 132 respondents were sampled using Krejcie tables as given by Amin in 1970 through use of both simple random and purposive sampoling methods. Study findings revealed that 92.2% responses are in agreement that Sacco’s contribute greatly in improving the people’s standard of living, whereas 91.6% responses also agree that Sacco’s improves welfare of the poor. And that Sacco’s improve credit access to the poor as given by 86.8% responses in agreement. Furthermore, the coefficient of 0.72 show a positive relationship between the Sacco’s contribution and Poverty reduction. And that 52.67% % (adj-r 2 ) of the variation in poverty reduction can be explained by the economic contributions, social contributions and access to credit provided by SACCOs. Based on the study findings, it can be concluded that SACCOs have brought about positive changes in the standard living of members, improved people’s ability to pay for social services such as education, health, food, improved shelter, better house and domestic assets. And the researcher recommends that since SACCO services are key determinants of poverty reduction given that beneficiaries forgo current consumption in order to increase future level of consumption, there is need for SACCOs to provide entrepreneurial skills and training on familiarizing the beneficiaries with terms and conditions of loans and savings to enable clients optimize the use of microfinance services.


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