The paper is on the role of special educator in
implementing inclusive education in Nigeria. The paper
discussed that Inclusive education is linked to the idea of
regular education initiative. It is built on the notion that it
is more effective for students with special needs to have
mixed experience for them to be more successful in social
interactions leading to success in life.The paper also
discussed that inclusion involves a radical rethink of
policy and practice and reflects a fundamentally different
way of thinking about the origin of learning difficulties.
Also discussed is the global trend in the provision of
educational services. The paper stated that the aim of
inclusive education is to develop all round aspects of
human nature. Teaching children with diverse needs call
for appropriate planning and adaptation. Also discussed
are the basic principles of inclusive instructions. Teachers
involved must be trained in that regards. Some
suggestions were made as a way forward for inclusive
education in Nigeria.
Keywords : Role Special Educator Implementing Inclusive Education.