In this paper, we deal with the case of a
network made up of a distribution center that supplies
several retailers. We assume that the demand Di (i = 1, 2,
3)at site i follows a normal distribution with mean μ i
and standard deviation σi (known). Retailers work
together in the event of a shortage of inventory by
shifting the necessary amount of transshipment to meet
expected customer demand.
The model is an extension of previous work by
(Meissner and Rusyaeva (2016)) where transshipment
between more than two retailers is permitted. Such an
extension introduces an additional complicating element
which is the strategy of lateral transfer of product in the
following two situations: (1) when 'at least one retailer
faces a shortage of stock at the end of a periodicity noted
as "T When two or more other retailers have excess
stock, (2) when two or more retailers are faced with
insufficient stock and they request the missing quantity
from only one retailer who has excess.
The objective of this paper is to study the
performance of a distribution system made up of a
central warehouse and three retailers and to assess the
collaboration both at the level of Average Global Profit
and of the Average Global Desservice level.
Keywords : Transshipment, Discrete Event Simulation (DES), Vendor-Managed Inventory, Metamodel-Based Simulation, Desirability Function Approach, PartialPooling Threshold.