The Role of Women in Strengthening Family Economy in Indonesia

Authors : Dr. Yana Fajriah SE MM, Dr. Syamsul Alam ST, MM.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 4 - April

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Women as perpetrators of the effort remains exposed to the main roles and responsibilities in the domestic sphere, whereas business development inevitably deal with the public sphere. Economic families nowadays not be separated from the role of women, along with the progress and development of the times. Now we find many women’s groups involved in business activities, business activities and culinary entrepreneur, where the kegitan as the economic underpinning of the family. The qualitative nature of the research, through phenomenology of approach to the data source in this study include: 1) source of primary Data, Secondary Data source) 2. This is a research instrument of the researchers themselves, which researchers as an instrument to get accurate data provided by various methods.

Keywords : Civil Society, economic development, Regional Autonomy, decentralize.


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