Despite all efforts to combat the dreaded
COVID-19 pandemic, there has yet been no deliberate
effort to consider a mental health policy for frontline
health workers. As a result, this study was set to look
into the imperative for health policy for frontline health
workers in Nigeria. A qualitative cross sectional survey
of 400 frontline health workers drawn from four
geographical zones of the country, using a google form
was carried out, and the data were analyzed using simple
statistics, and SPSS. The results showed that majority of
the healthcare workers were females 280(70) most of
who were within the age range of 41-50 years 180(45).
Some of the respondents who lost a patient or more to
COVID-19,140(35) during treatment, confessed to being
depressed 80(42.9) or withdrawn 60(57.1). Most 280(70)
of the respondents claimed they did not have all they
needed to manage the patients. Majority of those who
lost patients to the pandemic 80(57.1), claimed they
discussed it with some other person(s), and most of those
who discussed it were mostly females who claimed they
discussed it with their spouses 40(50). Obviously,
majority of those who discussed it, 80(80) claimed they
felt better after the discussion, while 180(45) of the
respondents claimed that isolation from their families
left them in emotional distress. Hazard allowance
120(30) and lack of incentives 200(50) were more of
concern to them. Most of the respondents 240(60) rated
government performance in tackling the pandemic to be
on the average. A Pearson Correlation analysis was
conducted between government’s performance, and the
areas that raised more concerns to the frontline health
workers, showed a significant but negative relationship,
−0.099 at 0.05 level of significance, which has a negative
impact on the mental health of the frontline health
workers. A regression analysis of the two variables, was
also found to be negative and significant at t-1.989, with
a value coefficient of −0.099 showing that only 1% of the
areas that raised concern was attended to by
government's performance at p<0.5 level of significance.
The results demonstrate clearly the need for mental
health policies to address issues of anxiety, depression
and psychological distress among frontline health
workers in Nigeria with a suggestion that such policies
should encapsulate the federal, state, and local
government areas, as all frontline health workers in
Nigeria are at risk of a mental burden during this
pandemic crisis.
Keywords : Mental Health, Frontline Health Workers, COVID-19, Health Policy