The study sought to investigate the state of
teaching and learning mathematics at the Senior High
School level in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis.
Stratified sampling and the census sampling techniques
were used to select the sample for the study. The study
considered 26 mathematics teachers and 90 students
from three Senior High Schools. The quantitative data
were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings
revealed that most of the mathematics teachers had not
received professional training in mathematics
education. Also, it was revealed that constructivists
approach was used in teaching mathematics
nevertheless, poor usage of ICT in the teaching and
learning of mathematics was also exposed. Finally, it
was discovered that there was enough teaching and
learning resources, although technological resources
were inadequate. One key implication of these findings
is that there is the need for school administrations to
provide adequate technological tools and resources that
will enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics
and increase the use of ICT materials in the
mathematics classroom.
Keywords : State of mathematics, Perception, Teaching Resources, Mathematics Education, Teachers’ Teaching Practices