The Status of Food Security with Particular Reference to Food Availability in India

Authors : Mohd Daud Ahmad

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Food security means that all people at all times have physical & economic access to adequate amounts of nutritious, safe, and culturally appropriate foods, which are produced in an environmentally sustainable and socially just manner, and that people can make informed decisions about their food choices. Food security is associated with several factors, such as socioeconomic development, human rights and the environment. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the status of food security in India and to examine the vulnerable sections of society in food security. The present study is entirely based upon the secondary sources of the data collected from the books, journals, government reports and websites. The analysis of the study reveals thatIndia, with a massive agricultural crop production over the years, has moved away from dependence on food aid to become a net food exporter. Still,India has failed to ensure food security at the micro-level.The main reasons behind food insecurity in India are massive poverty, illiteracy, corruption, faulty government policies, lack of awareness among the masses and low technological development. The study proposes some suggestions to overcome the existing problems of food insecurity in India.

Keywords : Food Availability, Foodgrains, Poverty, ICMR.


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