The ongoing Covid 19 pandemic has caused
serious problems in the education sector in Indonesia.
The implementation of distance learning during the
Covid 19 pandemic requires adequate support so that
the implementation of learning can go as desired. The
difference in the level of readiness of each school to the
implementation of distance learning makes the distance
learning process not fully run as expected. One way to
overcome this is to implement educational management
under the conditions during the Covid 19 pandemic. The
formulation of a distance learning strategy in Indonesia's
border areas needs to consider the results of the
evaluation of the distance learning process during the
Covid 19 pandemic.
Methodology- This research used an observational
design and qualitative approach, aimed to determine the
level of effectiveness of implementing distance learning
in Indonesia during the Covid 19 pandemic. This
research was also expected to be a consideration in
school governance strategies formulation during the
Covid 19 pandemic.
Findings- Based on the observations and interview
results with 63 school principal respondents throughout
Indonesia, it was found that most school governance
continued to run well during the Covid 19 pandemic.
The strategy adopted by the school was to utilize elearning technology in online and offline learning,
namely face to face alternately.
Significance- This study also concluded the need for a
learning strategy for schools in remote areas of
Indonesia so that educational goals during the Covid 19
pandemic can still be achieved amidst the existing
Keywords : Education; School; E-Learning; Strategy Covid 19 Pandemic; Governance