The Student’s Acceptance of Google Classroom in Co-Curricular Photography Course Using Technology Acceptance Model (Tam)

Authors : Tg.Besaruddin Sh. Tg. Yaakob; Wan Zuraida Wan Yusoff; Noniwati Ahmad

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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The study investigates the factors that affect the acceptance of Google Classroom (GC) in the photography courses of Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (POLISAS) students. The framework of the study is based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study seeks to find out whether there is a significant relationship between 1) perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) of using GC. 2) Perceived ease of use (PEOU) with behavioral intention (BI) to use GC? And 3) perceived usefulness (PU) with behavioral intention (BI) to use GC? The population is 35 students enrolled in the photography course in June 2019, in which GC is used as a teaching and learning (TnL) tool. A total of 29 samples were drawn based on simple random sampling. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to determine the hypothesis model. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (CA) and Composite Reliability (CR) are used to determine the internal consistency reliability with a value of >0.8. The factor loading is >0.5 with a range of 0.701 to 0.939 for convergent validity (CV). The discriminant validity (DV) for the HTMT is met with the value of the constructs <1. The results show that there is a significant relationship between PEOU and PU for the use of GC, PEOU has a positive influence on BI for the use of GC by the POLISAS photography club students and there is no significant relationship between PU and BI for the use of GC. The study shows that further efforts and improvement should be made on students' attitude and behavior in using new TnL methods.

Keywords : Component; Google Classroom, Technology Acceptance Model, E-Learning.


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