The Supervision Role of Madrasah Heads in Supporting Teacher Competency Improvement (Multi Case Study at MTSN 1 Makassar and SMPI Athirah Bukit Baruga)

Authors : Iskandar Fellang; Arismunandar; Baharuddin Semmaila; Andi Bunyamin

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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This research was conducted with the aim of: To examine the planning, implementation, follow-up and effectiveness of the supervision of the madrasah principal at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar and the Islamic Junior High School (SMP) Athirah. This study uses a qualitative method with a multi-case approach. This research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar and Islamic Junior High School Athirah Bukit Baruga. The results of this study indicate that: Planning for the supervision of the head of MTSN 1 Makassar begins with the formation of a supervisory team for the head of the madrasah, this is also true at SMPI Athirah Bukit Baruga. Planning for the supervision of the head of the madrasah is carried out at the beginning of the semester through a meeting with the teacher, namely the initial meeting with the teacher who will be supervised, class observation and the final meeting with the principal of SMPI Athirah Bukit Baruga conducting administrative supervision with learning tools made by the teacher and making corrections, Follow-up supervision of the head of MTSN 1 Makassar on teachers who still have deficiencies in terms of competence which is carried out by coaching through MGMP, while at SMPI Athirah Bukit Baruga for teachers who have weaknesses, self development is immediately carried out (competence as a teacher). The effectiveness of the supervision of the Head of MTSN 1 Makassar and SMPI Athirah Bukit Baruga in developing teacher competencies has been effective, but there are also several obstacles. Recommendations for this research: it is necessary to realize the importance of supervision and not view supervision as a reference just to find fault with the teacher but as to improve competence so that it is even better then apply a scientific supervision model, because this model is carried out in a planned and continuous manner, using instruments as data collection, and the existence of objective data in accordance with real conditions.

Keywords : Supervision of Madrasah Principal, Teacher Competency


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