The Survey DDoS Attack Prevention and Defense Technique

Authors : Dr. L. Visalatchi, PL. Yazhini

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Without the security measures and controls, our data might be subjected to an attack. The DDoS attack is an attempt of attacking in a distributed fashion to make a server and its resources unavailable to its authorized users. The DDoS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt access to the server by means of creating a large amount of traffic. In this paper, we propose types of DDoS attacks, analysis of different attacks so far, protection techniques and mitigation techniques, and possible limitations and challenges of existing research to reduce network overhead. Finally, some important research directions are given which require more attention shortly to ensure successful mitigation against distributed denial-of-service attacks.

Keywords : Types of DDoS Attack, Distributed Denial-of- Service Protection, Distributed Denial-of-Service Mitigation Technique.


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