The Sustainable Knowledge Driven Approaches in the Advancement on Artificial Photosynthesis Research

Authors : Odongo.J, Kigaru.A, Francis.O, Balaji.A.P.B

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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The introduction and scientific advancements in the artificial photosynthesis research aimed at achieving great potential by developing products that supplement our natural tree and forest plantations and in all scenarios for sustainable energy. The ever increasing incidences of carbon dioxide emissions by burning of fossil fuels remains the predominant driving force of global warming and related climate changes which have greater potential of catastrophic consequences, therefore its important that the current generation focus on the need to sustain nature, create a sustainable future or counter the incidences of ever increasing global warming in the globe, this also means that this generation have to change the production system both in the industrial production process and our living environment by adopting the technologies that supplement the role of natural tree plantations in the universe. This call for further research in many areas including advancing in the area of articial photosynthesis technology. The humanity has been and is always using solar energy artificially in many ways for instance the process of generation of electricity by the application of the photovoltaic solar panels, the process of installation of the solar collectors on building roofs for heating water, the process where solar energy is used artificially is the cultivation of plants and algae for the production of food and biofuels and many other aspects.The artificial photosynthetic technology ought not to be ignored by both developed and developing countries bearing in mind that we are living under one universe and the technology will offer greater solutions to adequately address the global warming menace. This publication is aimed at informing the general public on the essentials of sustainable approaches in the advancements on artificial photosynthesis research around the globe.

Keywords : Artificial Photosynthesis, ATP, Photons,Anoxygenic, Phototrophic.


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31 - October - 2021

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