The study investigated the extent to which
implementation of the curriculum contributes to the
quality of education in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro
region. The study was guided by one research question.
The CIPP evaluation model was used. The study
employed an ex-post facto design. The target population
included all Pre service teacher trainees, Heads of
schools and secondary school students in Kilimanjaro
region were randomly sampled. Stratified sampling was
used to select trainees. The sample size consisted of 120
Pre service trainees, 135 secondary school students and
10 Heads of schools from five districts in Kilimanjaro
region. Data were collected using questionnaires,
interview schedule and document analysis. Face and
content validity were tested by lecturers in one of the
Universities. Reliability was tested using the Cronbach
Alpha method. Data were analyzed descriptively and
percentages and frequencies computed. Findings show
that academic knowledge takes precedence over
pedagogical knowledge; Findings show that in secondary
schools, the right amounts of graded activities are given
to students to master the required skills before moving
forward to the next skill. It is concluded that academic
knowledge takes precedence over pedagogical
knowledge. It is recommended that seminars be held in
order to equip teachers with pedagogical knowledge. It is
also recommended that more practical activities are
given to trainee, in order to train them for the
implementation of the curriculum in secondary schools
in Kilimanjaro region.
Keywords : Curriculum, Quality Education, Pre service teacher, Higher Education