The Use of ICT in Household’s Water Leaks Detection and Control,Opportunities and Challenges:A Case of Iyunga Ward In Mbeya Region

Authors : Phesto Peter Namayala

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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Water has always been an essential component in supporting many of the human body metabolic functions, is involved in digestions, controlling body temperature, excrete waste products, saliva creation, ensuring proper human brain functions, protecting body tissues, spinal cord and joints, preventing body from dehydration and supporting treatment of many infections comprising UTI and bladder infections. In many households, water is wasted and sometime contaminated with water borne diseases due to post meter leakages. Tariffs set and approved by special utilities regulating bodies like EWURA in Tanzania are relatively high compared to the average income of many citizens which calls for devising effective measures of reducing amount of consumed water per household and ensures post meters water hygiene. In Tanzania many household’s water leaks remain undetected for years and this is attributed by the fact that the sources of those leaks are in areas which are either not visible or rarely visited by owners. Water leaks are easy to fix when they are timely identified and located, and timely fix and correct household’s water leaks can save household’s water bills up to about 10 percent. In this paper, assessment of both opportunities and challenges of using ICT in water leaks detection and control have been exhausted and the research has ended up with the design and development of a contextualized prototype that uses microcontroller to constantly monitor water flow for post meters leaks detection and control in households. Once leak has been detected the prototype automatically close flows, play buzzer and send GSM SMS’s to pre-configure mobile number. Quantitative research design approach was used when designing this research, a sample of Two Hundred Sixty Seven (267) respondents was visited using a Simple Random Sampling (SRS), structured questionnaires were used when collecting data and in presenting findings an IBM SPSS software was used to analyze data.

Keywords : Water leaks; Detection; Control; System; Smart home.


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