This research aims to produce the valid
teaching materials. The teaching materials are
developed using POE model to increase students’
critical thinking skills in junior high school on pressure
topic. The teaching materials developed consist of the
lesson plan, student worksheet, student book, the
critical thinking skills test, and concept mastery test.
The five indicators of critical thinking skills measured
in this study are providing simple explanations, the
ability to give reasons, make conclusions, make and
determine the results of considerations based on the
application of facts, and choose alternative solutions.
Model of teaching materials development usedthis
research is 4D model. Validityxdataxwere
obtainedxfrom thexvalidationxbyxexperts
Thevvdatavvobtainedvvwerevvanalyzed descriptively
quantitatively basedxonxthe validity criteriaxof
teaching materials. Basedxonxthe
assessmentxofxthreexvalidators, the
developedxteachingxmaterials had very valid category.
Keywords : Validity,xteachingxmaterials, POE, pressure topic, criticalxthinkingxskills,xconceptxmastery.