Theoretical Analysis of Stresses in a-Si Electrodes of Sodium-ion Batteries During Charging and Discharging

Authors : Amruta Pasarkar, Omkar Chaitanya.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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Advanced electrochemical energy storage technology is used extensively to overcome the concerns related to depletion of fossil fuels and increasing environmental pollution. Among these Li-ion batteries are one of the promising batteries currently used. However the limited and expensive lithium resources have led to a need of looking beyond the Li-ion batteries. In this view, sodium ion battery technology is emerging as promising alternative in the current EES technology. For developing such batteries, the main issue that is faced is the larger ‘ionic radius’ of Na + in contrast with ‘ionic radius’ of Li + . Due to this generally used graphite as anode material for Li-ion battery is not acceptable for Na-ion battery. Thus, research activity to find an appropriate anode material for Na-ion battery is extensively done. From the few alloying reaction based anode materials, amorphous silicon is used in this paper. Use of a-Si for Na-ion batteries causes capacity fade during sodiation/desodiation cycles. The important cause for this is volumetric changes during the Na-insertion and removal which can lead to stress developments, capacity fade and fracture of electrode. This issue for Na-ion batteries can be fairly said is yet unexplored. The present study predicts the theoretical stresses during elastic and plastic deformation induced in a-Si films during sodiation/desodiation cycles. This study addresses one of the bottlenecks towards successful design and development of the stable anode material for relatively more sustainable Na-ion batteries.

Keywords : Sodium ion battery, Amorphous Silicon, Stress in Na 0.76 Si, State of Charge.


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