Reflection Seismilogy entails the use of
generated parcels of elastic strain energy in rocks
measuring the travel time through the rock body from a
given seismic source to receivers. This parcels of energy
travel as P - and S - waves propagated by compressionaldilational uniaxial strain and pure shear strain
respectively. Reflections are caused by the propagation
of seismic waves from one earth layer to another of
significant Acoustic Impedance Contrast with reflection
strength increasing with increasing contrast. Recorded
Reflection Seismic Data are received and processed to
improve the Signal-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the recorded
data by attenuating coherent and incoherent noise and
provides information about the nature of the subsurface. Ability to detect shallow faults, bedrock depth
mapping, saturated zone mapping and cavity detection
makes the shallow seismic reflwction method suitable for
groundwater/environmental studies and geotechnical
Keywords : Reflection, Seismic Waves, Acoustic Impedance Contrast, Signal-Noise Ratio and Groundwater Studies