This research endeavor explored and assessed
the culture of research in Bulihan National High School
for teachers. Through this, it will design a research
program that will help teachers to conduct research on
their own. This study used descriptive research design
and there are 126 teachers respondents in Bulihan
National High School. The researcher utilized stratified
sampling. The salient findings of the study that a total of
six (6) teachers had their contribution for school work
plan for the past three (3) years from 2015-2018. The
participants are agree to all the indicators on assessment
of culture of research in terms of “I will engage in
research” with overall weighted mean of 4.08 with a
verbal interpretation of agree. Moreover, the
participants are neutral to all the indicators on
assessment of culture of research in terms of “I will not
engage in research” with overall weighted mean of 3.09
with a verbal interpretation of neutral. This study is
limited for teachers and school administrators in the
Department of Education (DepEd) that will help them to
enhance and develop their research capabilities through
different programs created by the researcher. The output
and future direction of the research is to continue
upgrading of skills among teachers and school
administrators through training's, seminars and
workshops that should regularly conducted so that they
will acquire the most up to date skills in research
Keywords : Theory, Practice, Research Culture, Assessment, Teachers.