Cough is a reflex that attempts to expel the aggravation and to clear the aviation route. Cough has usually happened sickness in kids. Coughs are of many types which are divided based on duration, character, quality, and timing. The various type of cough is acute, subacute, chronic, productive, non-productive, chesty, mucus, dry and tickly cough. Whooping cough is very difficult to treat and it lasts longer for more than one to two months. There are several causes which are responsible for cough like respiratory tract infection, GERD, smoking, air pollution, chronic bronchitis and medications like ACE inhibitors. Cough has symptoms like heaviness in chest, fever, runny nose, drainage of mucus into the throat and continuous coughing. There are several treatments are available in form of medications and remedies. The categories of medication to treat cough are expectorant, antitussive, antihistamine, and decongestant. In this categories, various drugs are available in the market such as codeine, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, ephedrine, etc. these medications are available in the market as the brand name of benilyn, Sudafed, Robitussin, and Vicks. Homemade remedies also help to treat symptoms of cough like honey, ginger, turmeric, garlic, hing, jeera, warm liquid and so on. During cough so many things are avoided like eating cold food, overeating at night, eating fried food, sleeping flat on the back, smoking and caffeinated beverages. Some medications are restricted to use because of its abused use like codeine, dextromethorphan, and promethazine.
Keywords : Cough, Whooping Cough, GERD, ACE Inhibitors, Expectorant, Antitussive, Antihistamine, Decongestant.