Unusual variation in the brachial plexus root,
trunk, division, cord & branches are more common and
have been reported by different authors. This type is
variation arise due to embryological aspect. The lateral
root from lateral cord and medial root from medial
cords of brachial plexus unite to form the median nerve.
The present report describes a case of variation of the
median nerve observed in the unilateral right upper limb
of male cadaver during routine dissection in Department
of Rachana Shareera, Patanjali Ayurveda Medical
College & Research Centre, Dhulikhel, where the
median nerve was found to be formed by three roots. In
the present case one extra root arising from the posterior
cord that unite with the median nerve approximately 3.2
cm below the union of lateral and medial root of median
nerve. Knowledge of anatomical variation in the brachial
plexus and nerve arising from them in axillary region is
important for anatomist, surgeon, orthopedics,
anesthesiologist, physiotherapist, sport medicine,
neurophysicians etc. as these nerves are more susceptible
to be injured during sport injuries, surgical interventions
Keywords : Axilla, Plexus, Root, Cord, Median Nerve, Etc.