To Compare the Effect of high Intensity and Low Intensity Aerobic Exercise with Relaxation Technique Among the Young Adults with Generalized Anxiety D

Authors : A.Brite Saghaya rayna, Dr.B. Sujatha Baskaran.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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The Aim of the study is to determine the effect of high-intensity exercise with aerobic exercise and highintensity exercise with music and non-exercisers with generalized anxiety disorder in young adults aged between 18 to 22 years, the study is designed as an observational study set up in saveetha college of physiotherapy, materials used are GAD-7 questionnaire, music system, pedometer and stop watch. The procedure is GAD 7 question naire was given to 500 students and 30 students with GAD was selected for the study under inclusive and exclusive criteria. Their GAD scores are recorded as preintervention score. The 30 samples are divided into two groups, GROUP A and GROUP B each group consist of 15 samples, GROUP A performed high – intensity exercise and GROUP B, was performed low – intensity exercise and relaxation technique were given to both groups. GAD 7 question naire was given at the end of the study (8 weeks). The results determined was We observe that the mean score of pre-intervention score of GAD scale in GROUP ‘A’, and GROUP ‘B’ is 12.75 and 12.50 respectively whereas the standard deviation of GROUP ‘A’, and GROUP ‘B’ ’is determined as ±1.0 and ±0.952 respectively. The mean score of post intervention score of GAD scale in GROUP ‘A’, and GROUP ‘B’ is 7.25 and 10.30 respectively whereas the standard deviation of GROUP ‘A’, and GROUP ‘B’ is determined as ±0.50 and ±1.0 respectively. Hence, we conclude that high-intensity exercise may use to reduce anxiety rapidly and lowintensity exercise may use to prevent GAD for the individuals with risk factor.

Keywords : high intenstity, low intensity, aerobic exercise, and generalized anxiety disorder.


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