To Determine the Relation of Chirality on the Biological Activity in Case of Organophosphate Poisoning.

Authors : Aarti K. Thakre, Nitin G. Dumore

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

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Objectives The aim of project is to determine the relation of chirality on the biological activity in case of organophosphate poisoning. Materials and Methods Obidoxime and Trimedoxime, a bis 4, 4’bis pyridinum dioxime are promising compounds as antidote for organophosphate poisoning. Litrature reveal that both bis pyridinum oxime having propelene to heptylene bridge. Yet there is no report found chain with a chiral centre. So it is worth to synthesize and test the titled compounds, having pharmacophore moieties of the three important series of compounds and screen them for in-vitro potency and derive the relationship between the chirality of the molecule verses its activity. Results Bispyridinum aldoxime was clearly more potent than pralidoxime in reactivating AChE in organophosphate poisoning patient.

Keywords : Organophosphate, Chiral, Pharmacophore, Bispyridium aldoxime, ACHE.


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