Sleep disorders, especially insomnia and excessive
daytime sleepiness, are common disorders seen amongst
approximately one-third of the adult population. These
disorders are known to increase the prevalence of
various somatic diseases, psychiatric disorders as well
as social problems. Medical students are more
predisposed to poor sleep due to their longer work
hours, higher intensity of study and academic load,
clinical, and other lifestyle choices.
Aim &Objectives:
To estimate the prevalence of sleep deprivation
and to assess the awareness and attitude towards
related health problems among medical students in a
private college.
Materials and Methods:
The study was conducted in a private medical
college in Tamil Nadu. This study is a cross-sectional
study. The sample size was calculated using the d-
squared formula and calculated to be 400. Data was
collected using the self-reportable sleep and Daytime
Habits Questionnaire (S&DHQ). It covered
demographic characteristics (4 questions) and sleep and
daytime habits (24 questions). The supplement includes
information about lifestyle and academic progress on a
four-point scale. The ‘Effects of sleep deprivation’
section contains 6 questions and focuses on the ill-effects
of sleep deprivation.
The S&DHQ was used to study sleep problems,
assess sleep quality and ill-effects of sleep deprivation in
young medical students. The subjective sleep quality of
students was as follows: excellent- 12 percentile; good-
38 percentile; satisfactory- 34 percentile; poor-13
percentile; very poor- 2 percentile.
The results of the study depict that approximately
50 percentage of medical students have sleep
deprivation. There was no association between sleep
quality and mode of study. There was a high association
between sleep quality and academic progress (‘p’ lesser
than 0.0001). The most common sleep disorders were
snoring and waking up because of nightmares.
Keywords : Sleep Deprivation; Insomnia; Medical Students; Related Health Disorders.