To Study the Influence of PersonalVariable on Stress Issues among Police Personnel

Authors : Priyanka Jangra; Dr. C.K. Singh

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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“Stress”, is a state of emotional and psychological distress or conflict caused by negative or demanding circumstances. It is a situation in which we see that each item seems too crowded, overburdened and unable to cope with the critical conditions imposed on us. Nowadays the concept of job stress is very common throughout the workplace and it is inevitable among police personnel as well. The main purpose of this research paper is to identify the issues of job inequality among police personnel. A simple randomized testing procedure was used to select a sample of 240 police officers in the state of Haryana. The Operational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ- OP) by McCreary, D. R., and Thompson, M. M. (2013) was used for data collection. Step wise regression was used to find the significant difference or personal variable among police personnel in stress. It was found that most significant variable of stress like job status (beta=0.42), gender (beta=0.19) and marital status (beta=0.18) were on the topmost of the list and also there was significant difference among personal variable and stress among police personnel

Keywords : Stress, Police Personnel and Personal Variable.


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