Tongue Pre-Cancer Stages Classification Using Machine Learning

Authors : Vidhi B. Chaudhari; Dr.Narendra M. Patel

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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Tongue represents the overall health of a person, so tongue examination is a one of the important tool in medical science. In the modern era, medical imaging refers to techniques used to create and process images of various parts of the human body for diagnostic and treatment purposes within digital health. Medical imaging may include various radiological imaging techniques such as: X-ray diagnostic, MRI, CT SCAN. This work represents the region of interest is found using K-means clustering algorithm. Also used image augmentation method to create dataset/ images. Extracted features namely texture, color, hue and saturation are given to Artificial Neural network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Classification of diagnosis and detection of two pre-cancerous stages named Erythroplakia and Leukoplakia.. By this technology doctor may diagnose and detect tongue cancer in early stages which leads to saves many lives.

Keywords : Erythroplakia, Leukoplakia, Pre-Cancer Stage, Medical Diagnosis


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