The world is changing and tourism
industry achieves an important role in society, economy,
environment and culture. The global spread of the
COVID-19 virus has overwhelmed health systems, and
caused widespread social and economic disruption.
Tourism industry ass one of the most worldwide sectors
affected due pandemic COVID-19, demands co-creation
from all its players, including citizens, in order to define
and shape a future destiny. Uncertainty demands strategy,
creativity and proactivity, where marketing establishes the
link between customer and market needs with company
offer and competitive advantage. Marketing strategy
allows marketing to be more efficient and helps decisionmakers to be well informed and able to better decide.
During the last six months, every country around the
world was impacted by the virus. Iran was no exception.
This research discusses concepts as tourism, strategy and
marketing. After a literature review a Case study about
Iran is presented. Discussion of results anticipates
conclusions and future researches are suggested.
Keywords : Tourism, Strategy, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Iran, COVID-19.