This paper is a discussion of repayment
behaviour as a variable that mediates the relationship
between transaction cost and Trade credit supply
among manufacturing firms of Uganda. The study also
thought to address repayment behaviour as a
knowledge gap which other studies on Trade credit
supply did not address. This study also sought to
establish whether repayment behaviour influences
Trade credit supply. The study took a correlational
cross sectional survey approach and employed both
qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample
size was 91 firms out of a population of 118 firms with
three respondents from each firm and with data
analysed using SPSS version 20. We made sure that
Validity and reliability of the instruments were both
done. Results from the study indicate that transaction
cost as an independent variable was a positive predictor
of Trade credit supply while repayment behavior
(mediator) was not a significant predictor.
Keywords : Manufacturing firms, trade credit Supply, repayment behaviour, character, capacity.