Traffic Violation Detection Camera

Authors : Adamya Jain; Aabhas Deekshit; Jagjit Singh; Snehal Mane

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Poor road safety is a crucial developmental issue, a public health concern and a ruling cause of injury and demise in India. As per the Report of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on road accidents in India 2019 [1], there were 1,51,113 accidentrelated deaths in India in 2019. It is a matter of great concern that despite the fact that there are so many road laws introduced by our government for the safety of the passengers and drivers, the number of accidents are still increasing alarmingly. The main reason behind these accidents is that people do not follow the basic traffic rules like wearing a seat belt or helmet, over speeding and triple riding. This paper proposed a method to monitor these violations and store the information of violators to report it to the concerned authorities. Our proposed system does not need any human interception which makes it free from human error and bribery.

Keywords : AI; Deep Learning; Road accidents; Python; Raspberry Pi; Machine Learning; Character Recognition


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31 - October - 2021

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