The purpose of this study was to produce an overview of the results analysis training needs Online as an effort to program the identification of training needs of rural communities, disadvantaged areas of coastal communities in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This reanalysis is also to fulfill information about training needs, verification of the results of analysis training needs both offline and online in developing training guidelines, and developing syllabus and training event units that can be used by stakeholders related to community empowerment training activities which will be implemented in East Nusa Tenggara Province. The implementation method used in this study is Rapid Appraisal Methods, which is a community social mapping method that is used in a fast and appropriate way to collect information sourced from competent informants or samples regarding geographical, social and economic conditions in a particular region. Based on this reanalysis found recommend appropriate training for the people of East Nusa Tenggara in overcoming the problem of poverty and food insecurity. Recommended training needs are: Cattle Food Making Training, Hybrid Corn Cultivation Training, Clean Water Management Training, Milkfish Cultivation and Milkfish Cultivation Training, Salt Management Training, Tourism Guide Training, Weaving Training, Village Financial Management Training, Save Cooperative Training Borrowing, Training of Savings and Loans Cooperatives, Motorcycle Mechanic Training, Cassava Production and Marketing, Village Community Empowerment, Training of Managers and Educators or Tutors of Early Childhood Education. Furthermore, this training can help people in East Nusa Tenggara to improvement their skills.
Keywords : The coastal area society, fisherman, east nusa tenggara, Training Need Assessment.