Protection of data by hiding information from unwanted access is one of the better ways into a media carrier technology and is called as steganography. The original information format is changed to other encoded format known as cryptography. Messages or information shared or send through emails, mobiles and other social medias between two known persons are hacked by unauthorized person know as hackers. If message is confidential or of top secret and important than it will be very difficult to send it in the same known format and rely on network security that it is not access by unauthorized person. To provide solution for such and other kind of problem this paper provides a high security method for sending the confidential message from sender to receiver. This paper shows the method of creating an image using encrypted sensitive words. Two methods are used for same one is Steganography and other is Cryptography. These types of applications are mainly used in defense and highly competitive business.
Keywords : Steganography; Cryptography; Hackers; Data Hiding;