Transparency of Financing Management Education in High School

Authors : Nina Lamatenggo, Ayu Anggraini Rosadi.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 9 - September

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The research method used is the quantitative approach of explanatory descriptive type. Data collection techniques use Questionnaire, Interview, and Documentation. The results of the study show that: 1) Budget management planning of education funding In SMAs in Gorontalo city is in very good category, 2) Budget Management Program Budgeting in SMA in Gorontalo City is categorized well, 3) Implementation of education budgeting management program In Senior High School in Gorontalo City are categorized well, 4) Reporting of Budget Funding Management Program In High School as Gorontalo City is categorized well. Transparency in the Management of Education Financing In Senior High Schools throughout Gorontalo City is well categorized. It is recommended that: 1) School planning process should involve parents actively, although only provide advice and assessment on the policies made by schools related to education finance in SMA throughout Gorontalo City, 2) In the case of school finance preparation, it is necessary The identification of the actual needs of the school because the funding of education is very limited plus the absence of levies that can be done by the school to parents of students, 3) We recommend that the principal in the implementation process continue to work to communicate, coordinate and monitor each implementation so as not to happen The budget has been set. For example there is a deficit that makes insufficient funds from the budget and less optimum expectations can be suppressed by the school, 4) In the reporting process should be done as in the planning process by involving all parties because at the stage of reporting did. There is an overall element of evaluation of inputs, processes, and outputs of educational financing plans that have been developed and implemented by schools.

Keywords : Transparency, Management of Education Financing.


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