Treatment and Use of Sewage Effluent and Sludge for Irrigation: A Review

Authors : F.G. Ngasoh; A. A. Ahmadu; Herbertson G. Lingbuin

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Irrigation with sewage effluent has potential benefits to farmers which cannot be over emphasised. But continual irrigation with wastewater over a long period results to accumulation of heavy metals which perils the growth of plants and overtime affect the groundwater as well quality, and also impact human health through the transfer of diseases pathogens when used to irrigate vegetable crops. This paper reviewed the treatment and use of sewage effluent for irrigation to sustain agricultural production. The research indicated that there are two sources of sewage effluent; point and non-point sources and there are three basic methods of treatment technology which includes wetland method, treatment plant method and land application method. It further noted that in the treatment of sewage sludge and effluent, the following irrigation water quality should be taken into consideration; pH, salinity level, SAR, CEC level, BOD, COD, TSS, TKN, TP and other heavy metals concentration in the water to minimize the environmental and health impacts imposed by the use of sewage effluent and sludge for irrigation


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31 - October - 2021

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