Trust Based CP-ABE for DTN

Authors : Dhiren Kumar Dalai , N.Venkatesh.

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 7 - July

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In extreme wireless network environment Mobile Nodes suffers from inter communication such as military networks, hostile environments. Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) technologies gives challenging and successful solution for end to end connection between nodes. In this network the encrypted data is stored in the external storage node and retrieved it by decryption from it, as the confidential data to be retrieve securely it needs to be consider some security schemes.Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a promising approach to cryptography that full fills the requirements for secure data retrieval in DTN. The existing system involves some challenging issues like intimacy, attribute update and trust management and in Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) having key updating issue. To overcome this we proposed a scheme for data accessed which is based on the Trust based Ciphertext Policy- Attribute Based Encryption (TCP-ABE) scheme which provides a scalable way for confidential data retrieval and reduce complexity. In addition the location of node also traced by using GPS protocols to make more flexible and easy communication between surrounding nodes. Here various key authorities maintain their attributes individually; in addition to that trust value calculated for each node and updated it in trust table each and every time. This proposed method provides trust based encryption technique when compared with the existing approach.

Keywords : Index Terms: Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN), Node Location, Access Control, Attribute,trust based chypertext – Attribute-Based Encryption(TCP-ABE) Based Encryption (ABE) Secure Data Retrieval, Encryption, Security.


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