Turkey is the fifth biggest world beetsugar
producer. In Europe, it is in 4th place. Turkey's share in
world production of sugarbeet is 6.6 %, according to data
for 2020.
In 2019, 18 million tons of sugarbeet were obtained
from 310,100 ha. area. This amount corresponds to 6.5 %
of the world prooduction. Sugar beet yield in Turkey is
58.3 tonnes/hectare. Although this amount is behind the
EU countries, it is around the World average .
Since the early years of the Republic, the sugar
industry has been a sector that pioneered Turkish
agriculture and made significant contributions to its
development. The Sugar Authority, which was established
by Law No. 4634, was closed in 2017 and its powers were
transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry. The authority to determine quotas under the
law was given to the Council of Ministers in 2018.
TÜRKŞEKER was included in the scope of
privatization in 2008, within this framework, the tender
process was initiated for the privatization of 14 sugar
factories in 2018. Turkey Sugar Factories Inc. which
produces sugar from beet has 30 % share in this sector
and continues its activities with 15 Sugar Factories .
There is a reform process in the European Union
since 2006. The quota system was terminated in
2017. Following these reforms is vital for the sector and
for Turkish agriculture and industry.
Keywords : Turkey, The EU, Sugar Market.