It is generally accepted that women
constitute a key national resource in which case their
ideas, creative solutions and concern for cohesiveness of
the social fabric contribute significantly to positive
changes in the quality of life and society at large.
However, like many world countries, Nigeria’s political
system has long been plagued by gender imbalance and
discrimination against women. Thus, the study focused
on providing an exposition on the extent of gender
discrimination in Nigerian politics. From the In-Depth
Interview (IDI) of Key members of Women Advocates
Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC), the
study established that the reality of Nigerian politics
and political arrangement have excluded much of
female legitimacy resulting in women’s political
powerlessness and low participation in power and
decision making. However, amidst the murky shades of
male chauvinism in the country’s leadership and
political scene, women have thriven, though marginally,
in occupying appointive positions.
Keywords : Akinbinu T.O.; Jerumeh T.R.; Edegbai O.O.; Jerumeh E.G.