Understanding the Significance of Cannabidiols and their Possible Use in Sport

Authors : Josip Miocic; Luka Androja; Drazen Cular

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3iS4LbP

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL694

The paper provides an overview and review of the use, knowledge and importance of cannabidiol (CBD) on stakeholders in the sports system, on the example of members of the Sports Community of the City of Zadar. In particular, a review is given of the possible harmfulness of taking substances that contain prohibited amounts and ingredients for athletes, ie unfounded and unconfirmed independent research. The method and purpose of taking cannabidiol by the stakeholders of the sports system are presented, with special reference to athletes in the field of recreation. The survey, through a questionnaire, determined whether athletes and sports professionals are sufficiently aware of what are cannabidiols, and what is the impact on the health status of athletes when using cannabidiol and the possible harm to the health of athletes in uncontrolled cannabidiol intake. In conclusion, research has shown that athletes and sports professionals do not know enough about what are cannabidiols, and what is the impact of their use on athletes and recreational athletes. Therefore, the conclusion is that it is necessary to educate these stakeholders in sports and conduct future research.

Keywords : cannabidiol (CBD), sports, doping, prohibited substances


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