Uplifting Technologies to Increase Lipid Content in Scenedesmus Species for Biofuel Production

Authors : Aishwarya B M; Lingayya Hiremath

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/35cFggq

Fossil fuels have become a huge part of our life and it has become one of the essential commodities which has become a necessity to most of the day to day activities. As a sustainable alternative microalgae based biofuels have shown a promising approach towards replacing fossil fuels usage. Lipid accumulating microalgae is mainly used for biodiesel production. Several microalgae are capable of producing high quality as well as high quantity of lipids which is suitable for biodiesel production. Hence high lipid content and rapid cell growth is critical for commercial and scale up production. Scenedesmus sp. is one of the microalgae species which has low lipid content but high growth rate. Increasing the lipid content in Scenedesmus species is a challenging process and extensive research is taking place in this area to increase the lipid content in them. Upstream and downstream stages of the microalgae based biofuel production process have been widely explored to increase lipid as well as biomass productivity in the microalgae. This review is mainly focused on the four of the uplifting technologies which have been used to improve the lipid content especially in Scenedesmus species. Index terms -- Biodiesel, biofuel, biomass, fossil fuel, lipid, microalgae and Scenedesmus sp


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