Urban Heat Island Prediction Using ANN

Authors : Gitika Kaur; Garima Sharma; Dr. Meenu Vijarania; Swati Gupta

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3vGw5Ql

A urban heat island (UHI) is an urban region or territory that is fundamentally hotter than its encompassing rural zones because of man practices. The UHI can be explained as either the surface temperature difference or air temperature difference between the urban and the rural regions. The project is based on the study of “Urban Heat Island prediction using ANN” grounded on the values of various test results done on an individual technique. The technique used for this project is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm and Time Series analysis to correctly predict a region as urban heat island. The data of six weather stations (WS) was collected each having 12929 instances to determine whether a particular region forms UHI or not. The ANN model was implemented on all the six weather stations and after examining the ANN model, the two weather stations WS4 and WS6 proved out to be the best in terms of correlation between dependent and independent variable that was evaluated using MAE and R2 score. The two weather stations WS6 and WS4 having R2 score or accuracy as 79.6 and 79.3 respectively was further chosen for time series analysis. In time series analysis, we just have one variable i.e., time. We can analysis the time series data in order to extract meaningful insights and other features. Time series is a set of observation taken at specified times at equal interval.

Keywords : Urban Heat Island Prediction, ANN, Time Series Analysis.


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